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Dna Strider For Mac

  1. Dna Strider For Mac Os X

The latest version of DNAStrider is 1.5 on Mac Informer. It is a perfect match for Science in the Education category. The app is developed by wskwntei. Mac upgraded to OSX, Lepard which do not support os9 anymore. This project is build to help DNA Strider user to get their data out and perform some basic.

Dna Strider For Mac Os X

GWtool is a set of simple command-line tools for working with gravitational waves.


This is a Scientific Calculator that can also calculate molecular mass. From this calculator a number of other calculators can be called, as well as converters, lists of reference data and a glossary system. A more extensive version of this calculator can be purchased from the E Learning page of the website of Dot Point Learning Systems for Minimal cost. The Calculator can perform the normal functions of a scientific calculator, and also calculate atomic mass and molecular mass. This enables the molecular formula of a Molecule to be incorporated into an Equation for calculation. For example: - Entering 4. H2O gives the molecular mass of 4 mol of water molecules.

All calculations performed by the calculator are recorded in a note pad area for cutting and pasting elsewhere. The calculator also has a text pad area where a longer calculation can be prepared before cutting and pasting into the calculator. Drop down lists can also be used to record information into the text pad area. Other calculators, converters, science tools and lists of reference data can be called from the calculator.

Below is a comparison of the free edition calculator with the edition that can be purchased.