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Canada Zip Codes List By City


Toronto Canada Zip Code

Hi there,I believe I'm not the first one asking about this, but I was wondering if there is a database file for the Canadian postal codes. I checked the CVS repository, but no luck there. I have tried to download a database dump from GeoNames but don't really know where to start the import process into MySQL. For example, the GeoNames timezone is listed in plain English (America/Vancouver) and the Location timezone is an integer (-8), etc.1) Does anybody know if a database file for the Canadian postal codes is available?2) Is there a 'recipe' to convert a GeoNames database dump to a MySQL file?Any help would be really appreciated.Thanks a lot,Olivier.


Here is the Canadian postal codes file ready for import into the zipcodes table created by the Location module.Please let me know about any issues with that file.I'm using it on my test site and I am able to do proximity searches on Canadian postal codes to locate resources in the area.IMPORTANT: you only need the first 3 characters of the postal code to do a search, because that sql file has only first 3 letters of the postal codes included. ExplanationI compared files with Canadian postal codes from:1.

GeoNames.org website, downloaded file CA.zip from2. GeoNames.org website, downloaded file CA.zip from3. (thanks, newmediaist, for sharing the link)2 files from GeoNames have different type of content.1. The first one (export/dump) has 307,566 records with fields like geonameid, name, asciiname, alternatenames, latitude, longitude, feature class, feature code, country code (info from readme.txt file that comes with that download). I checked out that file and there are a lot of addresses for which latitude and longitude are the same. I believe that it would bring down the number of records with unique latitude and longitude quite a bit.

Also, that file doesn't have the postal code information, therefore I went ahead with the second file from the same website.2. The second file from GeoNames (export/zip) has postal code included and the values for latitude and longitude are unique (they don't get repeated through the table, which tells me that this file eliminated the redundancy from the first file). The second file has about 1,600 records.3. The file from populardata has about 56,000 records but most of the postal codes have the same latitude and longitude (postal codes with the same first 3 characters).Since the searches on 1,600 are faster then on the 56,000 and since it seems that we are not missing any information, I used the CA.zip file to create my sql import.The import is ready - use phpMyAdmin or other tool to run that query directly in the database. I divided that query into several small, about 500 rows each.

Ontario Canada Zip Codes List By City

You can run the whole file as one query or run as several queries, if needed.I welcome any feedback. If that file works, I can change it's format so I can be part of the database zipcodes dump for Location module. or to post comments. To provide more information, I can see that longitude and latitude is being generated for any of my users in the US - they enter their address, save the node, and the long/lat gets created.For the canadian users, I don't see any longitude and latitude, even after resaving their nodes. I've configured geocoding for canada to use google maps, same as US, so not sure why it doesn't work for them:(Edit: Turns out they weren't putting their province in as part of their address, which resulted in the long/lat not being determined when the node was saved.

Fixed:). or to post comments. OK, here it is another version of the Canadian postal codes - this time I cleaned the third file mentioned in my first post (from the populardata.com: ).This time I got about 6,500 records after the cleanup. Ups, there was 1 postal code repeated twice which was returning the insert error. The file posted in #13 returns an error on import into the zipcodes table because it has duplicate entries in postal codes.

Zipcodes table has a key on the postal code field and it doesn't allow duplicates.I took the original file from, removed duplicate postal codes and got 764,852 rows with Canadian postal codes. The file is available here:.This file should be almost like the file in #13 but won't return an error on import.The timezone and dst are not in it, because populardata file didn't have those values available.Be aware - the file is big (2.2MB zip, unzipped 105MB) and takes time to import into the database. or to post comments. If your import is slow you can add the following to the start of the script if using MySQL. And don't forget to erase the error line at the end of the script in #14.SET @OLDUNIQUECHECKS=@@UNIQUECHECKS, UNIQUECHECKS=0;SET @OLDFOREIGNKEYCHECKS=@@FOREIGNKEYCHECKS, FOREIGNKEYCHECKS=0;SET @OLDSQLMODE=@@SQLMODE, SQLMODE='TRADITIONAL';SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;And the following at the end:COMMIT;SET SQLMODE=@OLDSQLMODE;SET FOREIGNKEYCHECKS=@OLDFOREIGNKEYCHECKS;SET UNIQUECHECKS=@OLDUNIQUECHECKS;. or to post comments.

The comments in #15 and #19 are absolutely correct - I didn't notice the script timed out and missed a few hundreds postal codes from the end of the table.Thank you for posting that information.I've corrected the file and now there should be no issues with the error at the end of the file dues to a missing rows. The total rows of Canadian postal codes in the zipcodes table, after importing that file, should be 764,852.Please let me know if you experience any problems with this file. or to post comments.

Postal Codes Explained Postal Codes ExplainedWhat is a 'postal code'?Canadian postal codes are comprised of six characters and allow for mail to be mechanically, and manually, sorted for easier mail delivery to specific geographic locations. Currently there are approximately 850,000 postal codes in Canada with an average of 14 households in each.Structure of a postal codeAll Canadian postal codes follow the same format and are divided into two three-character segments:A#A #A#(letter-number-letter-space-number-letter-number)The first segment is called the 'forward sortation area' (FSA) and is used to identify the geographic location of the address.

Ontario Canada Zip Codes List

The first character of the FSA represents the 'postal district', which splits the country into major geographic regions – for example, 'N' is used for all of South-Western Ontario and 'V' is used for all of British Columbia.The second character is used to separate rural and urban regions. The number '0' denotes a rural region with numbers 1 through 9 representing urban areas. It's common for rural regions to be 'urbanized', which involves the changing of the '0' to another number. The third character is used to more precisely describe the geographic area of the address.The second segment is called the 'location delivery unit' (LDU) and represents either a specific address or group of addresses. Sometimes an LDU covers an entire city block, all (or part) of a high-rise, a small rural community or even a single house.